Whole Body Cryotherapy

Feeling the weight of inflammation or need a quick recovery boost?

Discover how our Whole Body Cryotherapy can rejuvenate your body and mind in minutes.

smiling Cryotherapy client at Mattr Biowellness Club in Austin, TX

Experience the rejuvenating power of Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC). By exposing your body to sub-zero temperatures for just 3 minutes and 30 seconds, WBC stimulates a survival response that enriches your blood with oxygen and nutrients. This revitalized blood then circulates back through your system, promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and minimizing pain. Unlike ice baths, WBC doesn’t numb tissue, allowing for a quick return to normal temperature and function. Step into our state-of-the-art cryotherapy chamber and let the extreme cold work its magic to enhance your overall recovery and well-being.


Benefits of Whole Body Cryotherapy

True Whole Body Cryotherapy allows for Greater Autonomic Response. 70% of the body’s cold receptors are on the head and neck. Our Whole Body Cryotherapy chamber exposes this portion of the body to subzero temperatures, thereby increasing the activation of the autonomic nervous system.

Higher Cellular Activation and Mitochondrial Biogenesis: studies show that true walk-in Whole Body Cryotherapy produces 300% more cellular function than partial-body cryotherapy. This means that you will gain significantly more energy from your session, and the effects will last longer than other forms of cryotherapy.

Skin Temperature Uniformity The “cold” and “warm” spots that typically occur with partial-body cryotherapy are eliminated with true Whole Body Cryotherapy, due to the skin being able to reach a more uniform temperature. Furthermore, studies show that temperature uniformity yields far better results.

Whole Body Cryotherapy is safer AND more consistent. Nitrogen tanks that power partial-body cryotherapy chambers produce variability in flow rate, all depending on the pressure and fill level of the tank. With our walk-in chamber, this is no longer the case, because we are not using harmful nitrogen gas, but normal oxygenated air.


  • Cryotherapy involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures, typically ranging from -130°F to -175°F+ for a short duration, usually 2 to 4 minutes. This rapid cooling triggers physiological reactions in the body, such as vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation, which can help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote healing.

  • Cryotherapy is generally considered safe when performed by trained professionals in controlled environments. However, it's important to follow guidelines and precautions to minimize risks such as frostbite, skin burns, or exacerbation of certain conditions. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as hypertension or heart disease, should consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing cryotherapy.

  • Many individuals report immediate benefits such as reduced pain and improved mobility shortly after a cryotherapy session. However, the extent and duration of relief can vary depending on the condition being treated and individual response. Some people may require multiple sessions to experience cumulative benefits.

  • Although we offer 3 minute sessions the duration can vary depending on individual tolerance levels and the specific purpose of the treatment.

  • Cryotherapy may be beneficial for athletes looking to recover faster from training sessions, individuals managing chronic pain or inflammation, and those seeking skin rejuvenation benefits and optimized wellness. It's important for individuals with specific health concerns or medical conditions to consult with a healthcare provider before starting cryotherapy.

  • Cryotherapy may not be suitable for individuals with certain conditions such as uncontrolled hypertension, severe cardiovascular disease, Raynaud's disease, or pregnancy. It's crucial to discuss any pre-existing health conditions with a healthcare provider to determine if cryotherapy is safe and appropriate.

  • The frequency of cryotherapy sessions can vary based on individual health goals and the condition being treated. Some people benefit from regular sessions spaced a few times per week, while others may find benefit from occasional treatments. It's best to follow recommendations from a qualified cryotherapy provider based on your specific needs and responses to treatment.

  • Cryotherapy is known for several potential benefits, including:

    • Pain relief and management, particularly for musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis or sports injuries.

    • Reduction of inflammation and swelling.

    • Accelerated recovery after intense physical activity or injury.

    • Enhanced muscle healing and repair.

    • Improvement in skin conditions like dermatitis or eczema.

    • Potential boosts to metabolism and energy levels.

    • Improved Sleep Quality