Scalar Negative Ion Energy Suite

Struggling with stress or seeking holistic relief?

Explore the Scalar Negative Ion Energy Suite (ZPPIS) for advanced technology and elevate your well-being. 

Zero Point Plasma Ion Healing System (ZPPIS) is a revolutionary device combining advanced technology and ancient principles for holistic wellness. The ZPPIS optimizes your body’s frequencies with Acoustic Light Waves, Scalar Waves, and the Innergy Negative ION Rain Shower. Experience stress relief, increased membrane potential, ATP synthesis, pain relief, and endocrine regulation. Elevate your health journey today.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla


Benefits of THE Scalar Negative Ion Energy Suite

Enhanced Mood and Mental Clarity Negative ions can help boost serotonin levels, leading to improved mood and mental clarity. This can result in reduced feelings of anxiety and stress, enhancing overall emotional well-being.

Improved Sleep Quality By creating a more balanced ionic environment, negative ions can promote relaxation and reduce insomnia. This can lead to more restful and uninterrupted sleep, improving overall sleep quality.

Increased Energy Levels Negative ions help neutralize positive ions in the environment, which can reduce feelings of fatigue and increase overall energy levels. This boost in vitality supports both physical and mental activities throughout the day.

Enhanced Immune Function Negative ions contribute to a healthier environment by reducing pollutants and enhancing overall health. This can support the immune system, making it easier for the body to fend off illnesses and infections.


  • The Scalar Negative Ion Energy Suite uses scalar energy and negative ions to promote overall well-being. Scalar energy, a form of subtle energy, is believed to enhance cellular function and energy balance. Negative ions, commonly found in natural environments like waterfalls, can improve mood and energy levels.

    Acoustic Light Waves Unlike traditional static frequencies, our Acoustic Light Wave system generates 15 dynamic frequencies from 300,000 hz up to 1,500,000 hz through a Large Plasma Tube. These frequencies having a ripple effect spanning 11 octaves, resonate harmoniously with your body’s natural frequencies.

  • Yes, it's generally considered safe for most people. It’s non-invasive and uses natural energy forms. People with certain medical conditions or those using pacemakers should consult a healthcare provider before using this therapy.

  • Relief varies by individual, but many users report feeling benefits after just one session, including increased relaxation and energy.

  • We offer 45 minute sessions.

  • Those looking for natural ways to boost energy, mood, and overall well-being might benefit from this therapy.

  • Frequency can vary, but many people benefit from daily or weekly sessions.

  • Benefits may include improved mood, increased energy, reduced stress, and enhanced overall well-being.